Artist & Curator

Johan Wahlstrom

Johan Wahlstrom is a force to be reckoned with in the art world. This Swedish-born artist, residing in Jersey City, isn't just about creating his own internationally exhibited paintings. He's also a curator with a keen eye for talent.

Think of Wahlstrom as a double threat. He both wields the paintbrush and strategically plans exhibitions that showcase up-and-coming and established artists. This allows him to express his own artistic vision while building a reputation as a tastemaker with a proven track record.

Wahlstrom's curatorial projects span the globe, from Sweden to the US. His shows, like the acclaimed "Pay Per Inch" at Whitebox NYC, generate excitement and opportunities for artists. His latest venture, "Figuration," further solidifies his dedication to supporting the art world's growth.

By leveraging his artistic credibility and curatorial expertise, Wahlstrom positions himself as a valuable asset. His ability to identify and cultivate artistic talent makes him an attractive collaborator for galleries and art institutions seeking impactful exhibitions.

So, the next time you see a captivating artwork, remember – the artist behind it might also be the visionary championing the careers of others. That's the world of Johan Wahlstrom: artist, curator, and a multifaceted force in the art world.

We're very proud to have Johan exhibit and curate with us at art|vs.
